Custom Assemblies are Important!

Detroit Tube Products have spent years making custom fabrication, but people tend to neglect custom assemblies. Depending on the purpose of the tubes, they need to be made accordingly. However, any custom fabrication needs a matching assembly. When looking at different industries, the difference between assemblies becomes apparent. To show how important these assemblies are, […]

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Textile Industry Fabric Production

Detroit Tube Products provides custom fabrications for a variety of industries. While we have highlighted a couple of them, there are plenty of other industries that use manufactured tubing products. The Textile Industry is one of them. When creating fabrics, you need specialized machines and components to get the job done. As a result, custom […]

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The Need for Commercial Generators

Recent storms have been making life difficult for residential areas. However, this is nothing compared to the struggles of businesses that need power to keep their production going. While small stores are struggling to get the power back on, hospitals and other industries continue to function. Why? Cause these facilities have commercial generators to keep […]

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Tube Bending

Tube Bending

3/4" to 6" diameter bending capacity
Severe radius capability standard - all sizes
Close tolerance available
Large die selection
Bend all tubing materials and shapes.

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Tube Shaping

Tube Forming/Shaping


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