We supply fittings to customer’s print and weld or braze assembly
Detroit Tube Products have spent years making custom fabrication, but people tend to neglect custom assemblies. Depending on the purpose of the tubes, they need to be made accordingly. However, any custom fabrication needs a matching assembly. When looking at different industries, the difference between assemblies becomes apparent. To show how important these assemblies are, we are going to go over the different requirements based on each industry!
Aerospace is a very technical field that requires a wide range of components and systems to meet specific requirements. After all, if any of these parts fail, it can cause fatalities. The type of assemblies used is dependent on the type of aerospace application whether it be commercial or military. This is because of the specific model requirements. Furthermore, advancements in this field are constantly changing, needing new custom tubing and assemblies to be made. These assemblies can be found in:
There are plenty of other areas where unique assemblies are required as well. However, this just shows how essential they are. They hold the entire plane together!
In the mining industry, they need to be able to extract, process, and transport minerals and resources. However, depending on the type of mining that is being done, different tubing and assemblies will need to be made. This can include custom fabrications to replace parts with new assemblies. These assemblies are fundamental for:
From surface mining to underground mining, you can believe us when we say that custom assemblies are important to the mining industry!
Even with just two industry examples, it is very clear that custom assemblies are needed to keep operations going. After all, without a proper seal, things can go very badly! Fortunately, Detroit Tube Products can make the assemblies you need. All you need is to give us a print and we can make the specific items you need. Even if we can’t make your custom assemblies in-house, we have plenty of friends to help us get what you need! Contact us today to see how we can assist you with your custom applications.
Posted In: Detroit Tube Products
Tags: custom assemblies, industry materials
3/4" to 6" diameter bending capacity
Severe radius capability standard - all sizes
Close tolerance available
Large die selection
Bend all tubing materials and shapes.