Tube Bending Michigan

When it comes to tube bending in Michigan, the number one source is Detroit Tube Products.  Tube bending is a service that is used in a variety of industries. One example is the auto industry. Exhaust pipes, radiator tubes, and many other tubes need to be bent to fit in their proper locations. In addition to the automotive industry, industries such as plumbing, aeronautics, and others all need tube bending services.

The Best Tube Bending Michigan

Detroit Tube Products uses a wide array of methods to achieve the proper bends.  Methods such as compression bending and mandrel bending to name a few. In addition, we work with many types of material for the tubes. Materials such as stainless steel, copper, and aluminum we have worked with.  Also, size is not a huge factor, Detroit Tube Products can make small-radius tube bends or large diameters as well.

Custom exhausts are another type of bend we provide. No matter if it is a 3-inch or 4-inch custom exhaust, we can handle the bending for you. Companies from all over Michigan use our services to help provide quality bends to the tubes they need. Of course, tube bending is not the only service Detroit Tube Products provides. If you are in need of tube forming or shaping we can handle that as well.

From expanding to flaring, we can provide the exact forming you need for your next project. Finally, in addition to those services, we can provide assemblies for your next project as well.  As you can see we can provide you with the services you need to finish your next project. Give us a call today at 313-841-0300 or contact us now for more information.

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